- New feature that you can customise your data and our data. There is 2 options which is
- Output data also print in devtool > console. Please reload TSI after make changes
[ ["MYX:MAYBANK", {"s": 1}]
Ways to Validate your data#
Use typescript playgroundlink(recommended)
In case website doesnt work you can play around with this TS code to validate it
type availableTSIExchanges = 'MYX' | 'NASDAQ' | 'NYSE' | 'SSE' | 'SZSE' | 'IDX' // only these is supported exchange. You also can put any exchanges as well. Refer below 'TSX:RY' type stockCode = `${availableTSIExchanges | string}:${string}` // you can put like this 'exchange:stockcode', type TSI = [stockCode, { s: 0 | 1}][] // s stand for shariah and its valid value ony 0 or 1 const mydata: TSI = //////////////////////////////////////// // please change inside below lines only. //////////////////////////////////////// [ ["MYX:MAYBANK", {"s": 1}], ["NASDAQ:GOOG", {"s": 0}], ["TSX:RY", {"s": 0}] ]
Use JSON schema
Use this json schema and validate this in any json schema validator
{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "string", "pattern": "(MYX|NASDAQ|IDX|NYSE|SZSE|SSE|[A-Z]+):\\w+([&-]?\\w+)+" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "s": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "number", "const": 0 }, { "type": "number", "const": 1 } ] } }, "required": [ "s" ] } ], "additionalItems": false, "minItems": 2, "maxItems": 2 } }
Use our custom validate